Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blogs and Naps

So it’s been almost two weeks since I last posted a blog. Sneakily, blogspot allows me to set the date and time of my post, so the date and time don’t necessarily reflect when my blogs are posted. I try to set the date and time to reflect the order in which I write the blogs. In any case, my friend Jim Cosgrove from UD wrote to me in reference to my encyclopedia-length entries saying that I should “get my ass outside and play instead.” So maybe it’s a good thing that I haven’t written a blog in a while. After the short novel I wrote about the unexpected break at Chaminade, I’m hoping to keep my blogs under a few hundred words. (We’ll see if that actually happens.) At the same time, however, I really enjoy writing. And now that it’s getting pretty dang hot in the afternoons, the idea of sitting still and typing a blog with a fan 10 inches from my face is a much more attractive plan than getting fried outside.

And, on that note, you’ll be glad to hear that I’ve adopted the practice of siestas. (For your information, I haven’t necessarily seen that it is a part of the culture here. I’m simply bringing it here in my life from whatever parts of the world that practice siestas.) I now include plans in my daily schedule to take at least a brief nap after lunch during the hottest part of the day. Though it’s already getting up 95 degrees Fahrenheit outside, it’s not yet getting too hot in our bedroom to take a nap in front of a fan. It’s actually quite lovely. I’ll update you about my ability to take an afternoon nap when it starts getting up to 110 and 115 in the next month or two.

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