Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Some Thoughts on Poverty

Recently, I was reading a blog of a friend who is volunteering in Ecuador. She shared some of the thoughts she is having in response to living in an impoverished country, and so she inspired me to shoot out some of my own.

It's not much, but these are some brief words I shared with her:

I’m finding the struggle is not in living in one of the world’s poorest countries, but rather, the struggle for me is in knowing that despite the fact that I’m here, I am still so far from actually being in it. The color of my skin, my educational background, the 20-some years of living with excellent health care, even my meager stipend, all of it separates me from actually knowing what it is to live like the poor. It is an immense struggle to deal with the fact that there is, for the time being, little that I can do to narrow the gap between the privilege I possess and the poverty that the people around me are faced to handle.

Just some thoughts to chew on. I'm quite excited to feel content posting a blog that isn't 700 words. :)

1 comment:

Madeline Bialecki said...

Hi Andy,
Struggling with the questions of poverty--others and your own--what a great gift! Thanks for sharing.