Monday, October 6, 2008

I think I have a hot.

Yep...I have a hot.

What's a hot you may be wondering...

Well, it's much like a cold: running, stuffed nose; sore, itchy throat; a nasally voice; and much less energy than normal. The only difference is that it's 110 degrees Fahrenheit outside, unlike the below-freezing temperatures that normally usher in the common cold. And now, it's even a bit worse because the heat make you sweaty, and I want to do anything but the normally comforting activities of cuddling up in a warm blanket, eating some hot chicken noodle soup, while sipping on some hot cocoa.

Luckily, it's not that bad, and I am starting to feel better already. Nonetheless, a hot is definitely just as annoying as a cold.

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